join us back here for HEATHENS HOMECOMING 2025

Dream it


Dream it 〰️


HeAthens Homecoming is an annual gathering of the Drive-By Truckers fan club (it’s an informal club and all are welcome!), Three Dimes Down, commencing around the band’s 3 nightstand at The 40 Watt in Athens every winter.  Fans from all over the world come to Athens to celebrate their love of the music of the Truckers and to renew friendships that have been formed throughout the years. Over time the fans decided to include a service project as part of their gathering and chose Nuçi’s Space as their adopted cause because our mission speaks to so many in the community. 

The weekend culminates with an open house, cookout, and silent auction at Nuçi’s Space.  Folks donate artwork, handmade jewelry, music memorabilia and other various talents as the band and community come together to celebrate another year.

MAKE A DONATION AND RECIEVE a thumbdrive fT. night 2 of 2023 Homecoming

+ a bonus video of Jay’s performance from the Heathens Hangout at ciné!

Obtaining your video is a TWO STEP PROCESS

STEP ONE: $35 minimum donation to Nuçi’s Space

  • If you're sending a check, make sure you include "3DD" and your username (if you have one) in the memo line!


  • Pay John-Contovasilis via Paypal or Venmo

  • Paypal address is

  • Venmo address is @John-Contovasilis-1

  • To send a check, email for address


To date, Drive-By Truckers and the Three Dimes Down fan community together have raised more than $275,000 to support the vision and mission of Nuçi’s Space. Thank you!